Jay Doyle

Jay Doyle

Contact Jay

Phone : 1-204-947-5555 Ext. 3

Cell: 1-204-228-4544

Fax: 1-204-947-5651

Jay Doyle


Jay Doyle is a Wealth and Estate Consultant with McArthur Financial Services specializing in risk management strategies for Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Business Owners. His knowledge and experience enables Jay to provide comprehensive solutions and products to a wide variety of clients. He is proud to the Primary Sponsor of the Faculty of Dentistry Fall Formal.

Jay graduated from the University of Manitoba in 1995 and has been a consultant in the financial planning industry for over 10 years. In 2003 Jay amalgamated his business with McArthur Financial Services.

In his spare time Jay enjoys family life as well as competitive sports and the outdoors, having competed in golf both nationally and internationally. He is currently a member of Niakwa Country Club where he has served on the Board of Governors from 2001-2007.

Jay’s personal philosophy when it comes to client relationships is that he wouldn’t recommend anything to his clients that he wouldn’t himself be involved in. “My biggest thing is service – that’s key. I pride myself on being available to answer questions when clients need me.

Jay and his wife Nicole are proud parents of Claire (b. 2005)  and Evan (b. 2002).

Mortgage referrals and insurance products, including segregated fund policies, are offered through McArthur Financial Services, and Investment Representative Jay Doyle offers mutual funds through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. and design are trademarks of Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Used with permission.