Nadine Benoit

Nadine Benoit

Contact Nadine

Phone : 1-204-947-5555 Ext. 3

Cell: 1-204-228-4544

Fax: 1-204-947-5651

Nadine Benoit

Operations Manager

Nadine is our Operations Manager, specializing in investments. She began her career in 1997 as an administrator for an investment council firm in Winnipeg, gaining a vast range of knowledge, including a strong background in customer service and administration. She joined us in 2008, where these strengths help enhance the relationships and communication with our current and future clients. Her focus is to work closely with our clients from the implementation of new programs through to the ongoing support and servicing.

She is the proud mother of two wonderful children. Christi (b. 1989) graduated from the University of Winnipeg with a teaching degree. She is currently teaching in the early years stream. Brenden (b. 1991), a graduate of the Business Administration program at Red River College, is an Investment Advisor with one of the major banks in Canada.

Away from the office, Nadine enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, interior decorating, reading, movies and time at the cottage.